CNC turn mill lathes, also known as turning centers,Due to the rapid development of live tool technology in the metalworking industry, are one of the most advanced turning equipment in the market for the production lines all over the globe. For many machining reasons, if the workpiece size is within its chuck range and the cylinder capacity is sufficient to meet the requirements, the turn mill centers can usually complete various processing tasks with advanced turning and milling capabilities, thus meeting the demand.
What Is This Made Of?
Because the CNC mill turn lathe models, it is mill turn here rather than turn mill centers mentioned above, is very common processing equipment in modern industry in the past decade, especially in multi-task machining tasks. This is usually CNC milling machine lathe now with milling functions and capabilities added to the milling machine framework. For the latter, this is a milling machine as the machine basis that can conduct programmed (CNC) milling and programmed turning procedures, and can even proceed complicated mill-turn complex profile machining. Lathe is driven by the primary spindle, not secondary spindle which is normally at the end of the work piece for two end processing procedure or other multi-tasking duties.
:: Read more : An Introduction to CNC Mill Turn Machine and Its Accessories
Programmed Cutting
Despite its complexity, it is difficult for on-site operators and some experienced workers to perform mechanical processing. Therefore, computer programming has replaced the risks borne by humans, and has become the main method for business owners for this kind of processing.
Further Reasons
Since the turn and mill machine is a complex programmed turning tool, it can handle a series of complex turning and milling tasks, and achieve a relatively short cycle time in the relative cost range. The CNC turn mill centers are also called turning centers, which are a machine tool that rotates the workpiece on the x-axis to perform various machining operations, such as cutting, knurling, face machining, and turning.
:: Read more : CNC Mill Turn Machining Centers Contribute to the Greatest Productivity
Application of Turn Mill Centers
In the basis of turning, a live tool is used for the machining procedures. The live tool is applied to the workpiece and creates an object symmetrical to the spindle, which is driven by the primary or major spindle components. Moreover, among all the important lathe accessories in the modern industry, the power turret is a powered and customized accessory for many CNC milling machines and CNC turn mill lathe, and is one of the most important accessories for CNC machine users.
Now, many lathe manufacturers in the United States, China, and Taiwan are aiming at this lucrative business, and have developed many well-known power turrets and power tools to meet the needs of users for complex machining tasks.
:: Read more : CNC Mill Turn Lathes Grant Precision Process
Conventional turret and power turret
For conventional turrets without power support, such complex processing is impossible. Therefore, only with the power turret, the CNC turn mill lathe (the CNC turning center) can not only perform turning, but also perform milling and multi-task machining tasks, which were previously only completed on the machining center.
Today, in the assembly plant of turning machinery, it is obvious that many power turrets are driven by a single motor with servo function, which can ensure the best cutting results and save the best energy consumption. At the same time, they can also provide great rigidity for the workpiece and perfect cutting performance for production sites and assembly plants around the world on the production line.
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